However, over recent years, distance runners have been growing the community in the Ultra Running scene world wide. Is it that they've completed the marathon a few times and now want something more? Or is it their pure passion for distance that the miles they pour out each week just doesn't satisfy? I've spoken a wide variety of ultra runners and have had as many different responses to this query as people questioned.
It goes without saying I'm sure that as the event distance increases, so too does the level of difficulty. However, I'd like to point out firstly that while yes the event itself is somewhat a monster task, the major obstacle in most peoples path here actually lies in the training. Most people won't even make it to the starting line due to the immense commitment required to prepare the body for the task.
The human body is an extraordinary biological machine, with a fine line between fragile, and resilient. Fragile in the fact that it is in essence biological which means things can go wrong. Unforseen, unplanned and unwarranted issues that can stop us in our tracks in a millisecond. Resilient by way that the body has an uncanny way of becoming accustomed to it's surroundings when given the right attention. In other words; the body adapts to the regular or consistent nature of it's existence.
With the above in mind, it must be said that there are endless variables that will affect how well, if at all each individual responds to such changes. Age, gender, genes, training, general daily activity, nutrition, and the list goes on......
So how can one prepare themselves to run 50km+ in one single run? Simple; get your miles up, and get your head right. There is a typical 'rule of thumb' in the distance running community that one should aim to increase their weekly running distance tally by 10-15% on a regular basis. While this is OK in a generic form, there is much to be said about generic advice. Remember, this is a 'rule of thumb' so I do not recommend you take that on board and go off straight away racking up the miles. There are many other important factors that must be taken into account to make sure these miles are QUALITY, EVENT SPECIFIC MILES.
SPECIFICITY OF TRAINING: (You don't become world number 1 in golf, by playing tennis 5 times a week......)
If you've never seen an Ultra Marathon, I highly recommend going out to watch one in action. Maybe help out as a volunteer to get an up close perspective to how the participants carry out their event. Be sure to talk to some before and after the event. Ask as many questions as possible, but most importantly, WATCH.
Some of the most consistent aspects you will notice about ultra runners is their pacing, fuelling, hydration, and technique. There's many more things to consider but these make up at least 80% of what an ultra runner will focus their attention on. (besides the never ending quest to find the ultimate shoe!!!!! LOL....)
But......... In amongst all of this, is their training. Ultra Marathons can see you on your feet from 5-12+ hours, and some much more. This brings about a massive challenge in being able to keep moving, and delaying fatigue for as long as possible, then learning how to keep moving once you are completely exhausted. This can be a gallant task.
Get a proper training programme. You have no room for guessing here. You can bluff your way through on 12k, half marathons, and maybe even full marathons on DIY training programmes. But you're risking it big time to go out into the Ultra world blind. It's not worth the risk of injury, so look into it. And more importantly, check that the one preparing your programme is an Ultra runner themselves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LEARN TO RUN LONG!!!! I've written a separate topic on long runs here: so I won't ramble on too much about that now, apart to say that this is the crucial part to any Ultra Runner.
MAKE IT TO THE STARTING LINE: Half the battle in running an Ultra is making it to the starting line in one piece. Ultra Marathon training ultimately means a massive sum of miles under the feet to build up the strength and endurance.
Undertaken incorrectly can easily result with injury. A pet hate of mine is seeing so many websites offering template training programmes. "fill in your event date and what distance" and it'll spit out your training programme. Unfortunately, the 300 people before and after you will get the identical programme. It really upsets me to see just how many people are pulling up injured through their training, not even making it to their event.

With this in mind, you need to find what works for you. Try, test, experiment, ask other ultra runners, read more blogs. Find what works, and practice using it.
GET THE RIGHT GEAR: Ok so I'm sure you're aware this task is a little more testing than the old run around the block! Therefore, you might want to consider a little more than just comfy shoes and a water bottle to get you through. Firstly, research the event(s) you wish to enter. Some have mandatory gear you MUST carry. If so, get it all early and train with it. No point in training with your normal shorts, singlet and water bottle if on the race you have 7kg's of mandatory equipment!!!!!!! If there is no specific requirements for your event, consider what personal items you're going to prefer? How far apart are the aid stations? Will you need to carry your own water and food? How much? Again, practice using it / carrying it.
Just like they say in the army. Look after your feet! If there's any area of your body you need to focus on the most, it's your feet. They're about to take a massive pounding so the more you can help them out the better. Many have found out the hard way (myself included) that your 'old trusties' that you've known and loved for years on your 12km races, may not give you what you need for a 100km.
Get professionally fitted and gait analysed to give you the best possible chance of getting the right shoe. ONLY buy shoes from runners. Not store clerks! By this I mean, you want to know the person that is advising you on which shoe will give you the support your feet needs, actually knows what they're talking about and not just spinning you a scripted response to get the days sales figures up.
LEARN TO WALK!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, you read it right. Let's face it. You're not going to run 100km straight through. And if you do, let me know. I want to meet you. lol. So many people miss the importance of walking training. The fact is, walking requires different muscles as well as a larger range of motion to that of running. Runners who neglect this in their training really struggle during big events as those extra miles put on the extra demand that the body was not prepared for. I like to put in at least 1 solid, hard, long walk session in per week. I use this as an active recovery from my running training, and it helps me stay loose and nimble throughout the week. In addition, I truly believe this helps me a great deal in the latter stages of ultra events when walking becomes more relevant.
Get committed!!!! Running an ultra is an amazing experience. One your sure to never forget. Do your homework, and don't skimp on your training and you're sure to make this memory a favourable one.

I'd love to hear from any followers of their experiences leading into their first ultra, so drop me a message and share your journey. Any questions, let me know and I'd be happy to help.
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